Busan, Korea

Western Branch of Busan District Court

Busan, Korea

Western Branch of Busan District Court

Western Branch of Busan District Court is a 9F/B1 building with the site area of 18,182㎡ and gross floor area of 26,430㎡. Facade of the Western Branch of Busan District Court is designed in harmony with the surrounding environment and landscape, while making good use of local sentiments and characteristics. It also has a contemporary appearance that has escaped the uniform and rigid image of the court. Images of the court such as a fair court, a court becoming a hope for the people with decorum, an empathic court, a balanced court that is trusted by the people, a court that communicates with the public, a court that embodies nature are put into the building design. The area of the Western Branch of Busan District Court is 311.83㎢, accounting for approx. 40.5% of the total area of Busan, and the occupied population is 1,099,000 people, accounting for 31.4% of the total Busan population. Western Support Office has 27 courts, which is more than the number of judges, so the judges can proceed trials at any time. Electronic facilities are installed in all courts and coordination offices for the convenience of the court process. In addition, convenience facilities such as general affairs office, registration department, banking office, and post office were arranged in the center of the first floor civil affairs business center, so that the citizens can use them conveniently. Furthermore, paintings, sculptures and artworks of famous Korean artists are exhibited inside and outside of the building for the public to naturally visit the court.
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