Seoul, Korea

Korean Federation of Community Credit Cooperatives IT Center

Seoul, Korea

Korean Federation of Community Credit Cooperatives IT Center

MG Community Credit Cooperatives IT Center is designed to provide safer and more convenient financial service to customers by a new integrated financial · data processing infrastructure consisted of the latest financial program, safe data processing, improved backup system and replacing outdated system as financial task range expands and data process operation gets more necessary. C.I.P & steel pipe strut methods were used for Shoring method, TSC built-up beam & steel framed reinforced concrete were used for structure type, and SST composite panel, stainless louver, basalt, and colored multi-layer glasses were used for exterior finishing material. The total site area is 7,307㎡, with B3/6F storeys of IT office building and 9 storeys of 2 support facility buildings. MG Community Credit Cooperatives IT Center construction project aims to optimize the function of security facility, and to create the environment that maximizes space efficiency as well as work efficiency of IT building and support facility buildings.

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