
Apgujeong No.3 District Reconstruction



Apgujeong No.3 District Reconstruction image
  • Heerim has been selected as the winner in the design competition for Apgujeong No.3 District Reconstruction.

    ■ Outline

    - Location: Apgujeong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

    - Use: Apartment Housing, Amenity Welfare Facilities, Non-residential Facilities (within quasi-residential area)

    - Site Area: 265,455.30㎡ 

    - G.F.A: 1,806,935㎡ 

    - Building Area: 94,617㎡ 

    - Floors: Class 3 General Residential - B4F,70F / Quasi-Residential - B6F,49F

    - Building Coverage Ratio: Class 3 General Residential - 33.1% / Quasi-Residential - 48.4%

    - Floor Area Ratio: Class 3 General Residential - 299.9% / Quasi-Residential - 436.8%

    - Announced Date: 09th December , 2023

    - Design Year: 2023

    - Completion Year: 2031

    - Architect: Heerim Architects & Planners, UNStudio, NOW Architects

    - Builder: TBD

    - Client: Apgujeong Apartment District Special Plan Zone 3 Redevelopment Project Association

    - Department in Charge: Residential Design Studio 1

    - Design Support: Global Business, Urban & Landscape Design Studio, Domestic Business, Quality Control

    - Internal Contract Support: Research Institute(Sustainability), Residential Interior Design Studio, Hospitality & Interior Design Studio

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